23 April 1999
Oh, god. Insomnia really sucks. So at 3 in the morning this movie comes on on channel 5, of all channels. I thought I'd be in for a treat (name recognition), but no, this movie really sucked.

Yes, this movie uses elements that other movies of this type do... just not very well at all. One element... This movie shows Sean (a boy, then) watch his father get killed in the very beginning of the movie. But no real emotion there. It was a very quick, abrupt scene. But in the next scene he is still a boy, training in some jungle, with a smile on his face! Then it never mentions the loss of his father until the end of the movie, where he is emotionally charged by a flashback of that first scene, which was an even quicker take! UGH. So that whole retribution / power thing was screwed in this movie. Another element is that of a warrior reaching ultimate power after the mind being cleared. Every martial arts movie has this. Fist of the North star (animated) in the beginning, and most recently, the Matrix, at the very end. Those movies used that element WELL. This movie... well, I'll have to say, it was the best part of the film but it still sucked. He used this new power to kick a** but then, all the fight scenes in the movie were badly choreographed anyway. They are slow and weak.

Do not watch this movie! Only if you are awake, and too lazy to move your thumb on the remote control to turn off the TV.
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