Review of Uncle Buck

Uncle Buck (1989)
Everyone should have an Uncle Buck!
20 November 2000
John Candy is on top of his form playing the black sheep uncle who is called upon in a family emergency to take care of his young nieces and nephew. His teenage niece takes an immediate dislike to Buck, but the two younger children adore him. Buck's bachelor lifestyle hasn't really prepared him for life in the 'burbs, but he learns to adjust quickly, and he and his young charges are all the better for it. His conference with the assistant principal at his 6 year old niece's school is one of the funniest scenes in the movie. This is one of those sweet and funny (but not sappy) films the whole family can enjoy. Of all the movies John Candy made, I think this one is his finest, just barely edging out "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles".
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