Be warned: the later episodes are bogus.
4 January 2003
The first 13 episodes of "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures" benefitted from having Messrs. Winter, Reeves and Carlin reprising their roles from the movie, and was also a fairly amusing spinoff in its own right.

Imagine my shock one Sunday morning to find entirely different voices, animation, and even theme song - Chris Matheson and Ed Solomon's creation had also spawned a live-action TV show of the same name on the Fox Network, and when the cartoon jumped from CBS to Fox everything changed... it was the stars of THAT show who did the voices. And that, to steal a line from the sequel, "was non-non-non-non-heinous!" Even the writing was inferior.

As long as you watch the Hanna-Barbera episodes you'll be okay (hard to pass on a cartoon with Little Richard). Party on, dudes...
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