Modern Love (1990)
Another film lost to technology
15 January 2002
This really is a good film, provided you're in the right mood. The 'mood' being one of relaxation and contentment. If you're not, you'll probably hate this film, or least you'll hate the way it makes you feel. But if you are already somewhat subdued and in the mood for a little 'none-too-heavy' movie entertainment, this is a superb choice. It examines life, love, marriage and parenting from various angles and perceptions. It starts a wee bit slow so bear with it. It goes down smooth and leaves a satisfyingly sweet after taste. Karla DeVito's 'sweet smile' is worth the price of admission alone. Sadly, this film's poor reception and the advent of DVD technology will most likely relegate it to dusty shelves and Beta machines-if it hasn't already. 8/10.
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