Ernest P. fights off "booger-lipped" bad guys. . .
20 September 2001
O.K. so this movie probably wasn't nominated for an Oscar for best original screenplay. Or best of anything else for that matter. And the film is what most folks would term "stupid" humor. So I like "stupid" humor, so sue me. Jim Varney's creation of characters like Ernest and the myriad others he pulled out of seeming thin air, in my opinion speak volumes of his talent and creativity. Sometimes it's enough just to be entertained with belly laughs and not stop and analyze every single line of dialog. If you're the intellectual type, don't bother with this movie, it'll go way over your head, or under your radar screen one. But if you're an otherwise intelligent and reasonably good humored person, and especially if you're looking for something that is decidedly NOT a gut-yanking, eyeball popping, gorey screamfest to watch with your kids on Halloween, this is a fun and easy on the brain flick.
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