A Swing for Change
9 May 2003
Turning the Page for African-American Films

The mid nineteen eighties and early nineties were chock-full of films displaying discriminating evidence against the African-American community. Films such as Boyz in the Hood, Menace to Society, and Friday demonstrated a stereotypical theme of gangbanging hoodlums that settled into the minds of the nation. If films representing the African-American man weren't incriminating enough, the alternative option was misrepresentation through the music industry. Milli Vanilli, once proven unauthentic, made an embarrassing impression that is still humored on late night television. MC Hammer, LL Cool J and other music artists help to upturn the music industry with their ability to direct trends for urban culture. Artists fresh new styles were a simple antidote for one industry. However, the film industry was still rendered and in search of its hero. The hero finally came in Julie Dash's Daughter's of the Dust in 1991. A deeper search than black baggy pants had to come along for an impact to be felt. The deeper search led Julie Dash into African-American history and a peasant family from a subculture known as Gullah. Dash's poetic portrayal relieved the nation's minds of problems in the black community by celebrating its past. While the film was still very dramatic, it was able to capture the audience with its breathtaking scenes. Most famous of which was the picnic scene that the family found itself in a debate of traditional and modern ways.

This film had its twist and turns but made a lasting impression with its individuality from other films. The characters all had climatic problems, but were portrayed as free and independent from the hardships that are faced by poor urban society today. This made for a break in the downward trend of a current representation of the black community. Jokingly, this film should be more highly regarded than even MC Hammer's legendary baggy pants.
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