Some phat action scenes make this a must see!!!!
1 July 1999
This movie is sooo awesome. Much better than the first one. The suit looks better, the zoanoids are mor scarier, there is more of a story to it, and the fight scenes are so well choreographed it will blow your mind. The theme song for the guyver in this movie is catchy and also cool. Sean Barker is still haunted with the memories and still has the Guyver in him..he still fights evil but there is a problem..he can't control the unit. It has a mind of it's own and wants to keep killing. He sees on the news reports of "werewolves" killing men around an archiological sight. He suspects Zoanoids and decides to travel and investigate. But what he finds there is more than he expected. He finds out the true nature of the's origin..and where it came from. Absolutely do not miss this one..but rent the first movie before you rent this one...there is a story with it. 9 out of 10...DON'T MISS!!!
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