Surprisingly watchable..
19 February 2001
I was actually quite surprised by this movie. I actually liked it. I've been hearing for quite a while that if you want to watch Guyver you should see the orgional anime and ignore the crappy US live action movie. Well I went over to my friend's house and saw all of the anime and then went home and the two live action movies were on TV. The first live action movie did suck. A lot. The action scenes sucked and the evil zoanoid were passed off as gremlins or power ranger villans. The movie ended in a REALLY crappy fight scene. Guyver: Dark Hero, the second movie, was surprisingly better however. Both Guyver and the zoanoids look a lot better in this movie, the fight scence are actually pretty cool (mostly because the zoanoids actually have mobility now). The plot was a bit darker (not quite as dark as the anime, but darker). The most surprising thing though was that the acting actually improved a bit. Now the lead is played by David Hayter (who some of you might recall as the voice od Solid Snake). Anyway this was a good bit of fun that was just ready to be spun off into a regualar series. Too bad the first movie just stunk up it's image.
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