tried to be too much, but good
28 October 2003
First of all, this was a good movie. Anthony Hopkins did a good job, as did the other suporting actors, and Brad Pitt was great as he always is. Some people say Brad Pitt is too "pretty" for this movie. That just doesn't make since. The story is about how women fall in love with him as soon as they meet him(Suzanna, Isabelle) so it would make since that he is good looking. The only problem i had with the movie is that it tried to be too much. I tried to be a romantic movie, an action movie, a drama, and an epic story all in one. Some movies pull this off well, like Gladiator or Braveheart, but legends tried to be too dramatic with all the people dying and everything. It is almost as if it could have been an epic story, but tried too hard to be one. If that makes any sense.

Well, it is a good movie, but it is not a great movie. If you like Brad Pitt because you think he is sexy and want to see him cry a lot, you will probably love it. If you like him more like he was in snatch or fight club, you probably will not like it as much. Good watchable movie, but nowhere near Brad or Hopkins best. For a better drama with them in it, rent or buy Meet Joe Black. And if you do not already own fight club, go and buy it RIGHT NOW.

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