"No Fear" team steal every minute
19 September 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Contains Spoilers

This film may have its flaws - only two good songs (Far Longer Than Forever, No Fear), a few not so interesting sequences but whenever Jean-bob, Puffin & Speed are on I love every minute. They are not just comic relief. (Jean-bob is the funniest.) They are always eager to help ('though Jean-bob takes persuading)and combine all their skills to fetch a map, find Derek, rescue Odette from a tower & help Derek defeat Rothbart. Their enthusiasm is infectious and I love their adopted motto.

I particularly like Speed for his stout-heartedness & wisdom. Puffin is a born leader. Jean-bob (excellently voiced by John Cleese) is proud & a coward but he's just as loyal.

The plot is faithful to the ballet, apart from the happier ending. Odette is a likeable heroine, though we wonder what she sees in Derek. He has courage but mainly he's self-centred and dumb. Queen Uberta is amusing. Rothbart is your basic villain. 7/10
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