18 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie because a friend recommended it and I was not disappointed. Trevor Eve is incredible as the *********** Duncan Matlock. I could come up with tons of nasty words for this character. He is a spoiled man who is the "darling" boy of the Tory Party who has begun to use his position as district politician to advance his career. He doesn't really care about his constituants. He lies to his constituants or does just enough to get re-elected. He begins to have an affair with a former prostitute(Minnie Driver). When his wife, Flora(Juliet Stevenson), finds out she is devastated and enraged. He begs her for forgiveness for this one indiscretion and that the affair was entirely sexual in nature. All the members of his party except one, Mark Hollister(Anton Lesser), also beg for her forgiveness for the sake of the Party. Hollister reveals that he and others in the "inner" circle are disgusted with Matlock and want to get rid of him. Hollister gives Flora several audio tapes with phone calls between Matlock and the prostitute. These tapes reveal that the affair was not a one time fling, but had been going on for a year.

**Note**: The audio tapes are played uncut and can be offensive to some people.**

Listening to these tapes continues to feed Flora's rage and she joins Hollister in a mission to destroy Matlock's political career. One thing after another occurs and slowly Matlock's career is destroyed. By the end of the movie he knows that his destruction has been plotted, but is unable to deduce who it was. He relies on one person, who has stood by him through out the difficult times, Flora. Then one night, after his career is destroyed, she reveals that she was the one who was the enemy within. It is his turn to be devastated and enraged, asking her why she didn't just leave him if she was so disgusted. She tells him that she believed he needed to be stopped as a political entity.

The last scene between these two major characters is difficult to describe. Matlock continues to maintain that the relationship with the prostitute was sexual in nature, because he wasn't satisfied in their marriage. He demonstrates what he believes sex actually is, by shoving his tongue down her throat in a violent kiss. She tries to insult him, but he gets the final say as he turns and spits a large glob of mucus at her, leaving her silent.

As said previously. Trevor Eve was magnificent as Duncan Matlock. Throughout the movie I felt the Matlock was a jerk(polite usage). He alienated everyone he cared about, especially his family. His son didn't want to stay in the same room with him. But at the end, with the disgust I also felt sympathy. Flora maintained a supportive demeanor, while, at the same time, becoming a vicious and vindictive woman. Matlock's punishment was to be assigned to a minor political job in Brussels, Belgium. Part of me wonders if he didn't get the better deal.

Juliet Stevenson was also fantastic as Flora Matlock. In the beginning of the movie I felt alot of sympathy for Flora. She was the dutiful housewife and supporter of her husband's ambitions. But at the end, after destroying her husband's career, she was assigned the position her husband had been fired from. She had become, what she had despised. Standing beside her, as she accepted the appointment and encouraging her, was Mark Hollister making me wonder if he had planned the whole thing himself and using Matlock's indescretions as a vehicle for his own rise.

I do recommend this movie if you can catch it. There were strong performances by all, with Eve leading the way.
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