Carrotblanca (1995)
Riot! Excellent spoof of Casablanca (1942) and marvelously funny.
29 June 2003
This cartoon spoofs Casablanca wonderfully, and reuses the Scarlet Pumpernickel's formula for putting various stars in unlikely roles. Tweety is weird but funny as Usmarte and does an excellent Peter Lorre impression. The animation is of the new, plastic sort. But if you consider the animation of other cartoons these days, the weird digital sheen loses importance. Bugs apparently likes Penelope, which is strange, I must say. CAT and RABBIT?!!? Anyway, it's a cartoon, and such cartoons like The Scarlet Pumpernickel (1950) quite disregard the species. Funny and filled with laughs, with more of the dramatic story sense than most. Highly recommended.
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