Review of Caretaker

Star Trek: Voyager: Caretaker (1995)
Season 1, Episode 1
Good Start to a great Star Trek series!
25 May 2001
After watching this episode of Star Trek Voyager I knew that this series of Star Trek would be one of the best. In this episode (the pilot) all the main characters are introduced. Kate Mulgrew plays a convincing role as Captain Janeway who is generally nice but when it is needed, which it mostly is, Janeway can also be a real bad-ass! The other characters have their good points and their bad points, Chekotay has his general knowledge of the outdoors and how to get in touch with his spirit guide. Tom Paris has his knowledge of 20th century history and Harry Kim has the knowledge of music (what good that will do on a star ship 75,000 lightyears from home we dont know). Tuvok being a vulcan the most knowledgeable species of them all has knowledge of well everything, constantly offering the logical way out to the rest off his crew. B'Ellana has knowledge of enginnering and is able to always have good suggestions on how to keep the ship in ship shape!! The Doctor or EMH has knowledge of medicine and how to treat anything from a stubbed toe or acute stomach pain from Mr Neelix's cooking! (One of the many jokes from Voyager's EMH). Neelix has knowledge of cooking and how to make lettuce in to a decent meal. Kes well she knows a bit of everything and is always willing to learn! Lets not forget the computer voice who has been with the Voyager crew through thick and thin always willing to answer their questions no matter how stupid or annoying they can be. So basically watch this series its full of fun and enjoyment!
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