Blast (1997)
'Blast' is a blast!
23 April 2000
A tired 'movie poster' style summary I know but this movie truly is a hoot. I remember seeing this movie on TV last year sometime and I don't think I've laughed so much in my life.

The movie starts with a disclaimer firstly telling us that it's based on a true story. And then letting us down with 'This is what MIGHT have happened'.

The protagonist is a former swimmer who is demoted to janitor after injury. His ex-wife the team captain who is held hostage.

I can't remember why terrorists hold a swim team hostage but that's beside the point. Rutger 'Show me the money' Hauer backs up the comment that Blade Runner was a one off by playing a crippled Red Indian Bomb expert who has some kind of tie with the leading baddie, they were at 'The Academy' together or something.

This movie is playing on the tired 'Die Hard' formula that 'Under Siege' proved has had it's day.

The set is silly, the plot is silly, the acting is silly. Please note this is not a good silly, like Monty Python or anything. In fact one of the (many, many) problems with this movie is that it takes it's self so seriously.

If you can, watch this move and you can see for yourself.
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