Review of E=mc2

E=mc2 (1996)
An Intelligent Interesting Film
2 March 2002
The universe's eternal triangle, E=MC², is played out in life by Oxford academics delving into the physics of a unified field theory that stumped Einstein at the end of his years. A robust intellectual film that plays out the political realities of university professionals, and the mental and physical entanglements that can occur between people actually using their minds. A film for adults, which is real and smart and touching, about people with relationships of substance and the mysterious realities of life we cannot always explain. The journey has meaning and is enjoyable. The finale is highly satisfying and an exciting intelligent solution to both the academic and personal dilemmi, which closes the movie at full circle from whence it began. Recommended for your enjoyment and your mind.

Only available as USA/Canada VHS under name the "Wavelength". Wanted on DVD widescreen.
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