Review of Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre (1996)
A good if not great film.
20 June 2000
Gainsbourg has the right look as the grown-up Jane Eyre, and for the most part, I liked her performance if a bit stiff. Hurt was "okay" but I do think they could have cast it better. Anna Paquin and Joan Plowright were, as always, marvellous. Scenery and music a plus (although in places the music volume was a bit too intrusive). I grew up watching (over and over again) Joan Fontaine as Jane Eyre, and after reading the book, I felt that Fontaine, even though they "played down" her look, was far too lovely to play the part. I thought Orson Welles was perfect in the role.

BTW, the young Miss Eyre was played by Peggy Ann Garner in the 1944 version (good but I think Anna Paquin was equally as good if not better), not Liz Taylor. Miss Taylor played Helen Burns in the 1944 version.

I have not seen the Timothy Dalton version, but will be renting it soon as I love all the stories by the Brontes.

Anyway, I'd give this telling of Jane Eyre a 7.
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