Very poor!
29 March 2003
I've seen that movie last week on TV and was quite disappointed.

The story: The bad sister of the sweet little ELIAS ( known from every other movie including Mothra ) wants to steal the "Seal of the Elias", which was found by a family father at a mountain. So she takes her little dragon and flies to the family's house, where the seal is kept. But the Elias can't let that be, take the mini-version of mothra, called "Fee" and also fly there. In the house, a fight between them starts - which is made absolutely ridiculous! It looks like an old ATARI-Game, when Fee and the little Dragon fly through the house and shoot at each other!

However, the bad sister is victorious in stealing the seal and uses it to free a three-headed monster: Desghidorah. But wait a moment: three headed monster? (Des)ghidorah? Oh, yes, the style of this monster was inspired by the famous King Ghidorah. But not more! This monster has got no personality and seems not to register it's surrounding-the heads just go up and down, up and down...

But what's so cruel about Desghidorah? Well, it absorbes energy from earth, trees and air - which are dead afterwards. Unfortunately, this absorbing isn't visualized - Desghidorah just stamps his feet... To stop Desghidorah from killing all life on earth, the Elias decide to call Mothra - what's done with a song. Yeah, okay, we know the girls like to sing - but they do it three times in that movie! And the songs are awfully kitschy. A funny things about it is the background, which starts to get coloured and coloured flowers flow around - looks like a seventies-music-video!

Mothra arrives to fight Desghidorah, but is to weak and old for the strong-growen monster! So the Elias call Mothra's child - with a song, of course. I don't want to tell the whole story here, some people reading this may not have seen the movie yet...

So I start with my final judgement: The story of the film is weak - but that's not important in a monster movie. What is important is that the special effects are absolutely ridiculous for a 90's movie! Mothra and Desghidorah have nearly no moveable parts, the flying scenes are bad as hell ( there are better ones in some 70's movies! ). Every scene is clearly visible made in front of a blue screen - and the intaken pictures have another contrast than the foregrund... Through all the movie it's very clear that money was a problem in the making of it. None of the monsters ever gets to a city, all fights are shown in woods - that's cheaper than a miniature city. But it's boring! Not a single building gets crushed! And Desghidorah doesn't radiate enough threat to build somewhat like tension...

So the movie gets along boring and tensionless and you get angry about the bad special effects, supporting the bad impressions. According to that, it is far too kitschy and has too much annoing characters!
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