Review of Raven Hawk

Raven Hawk (1995 TV Movie)
A woman exacting revenge for a crime she did not commit
31 October 1999
Great film. Very underappreciated by those who saw it apparently, but not this viewer. I loved the way this movie starts out, focusing not only on a Native American family standing up for their rights concerning environmental infringement on their reservation, but also giving a glimpse on how contemptuously Native Americans have been treated in this country as well throughout its history. And when the young girl is charged with the murder of her parents, in a crime she clearly did not commit, she quietly awaits the day she can get revenge as well as clear her name. Becoming an introvert in ways she was not necessarily so when the movie began, the girl grows up not only into a beautiful woman, but also one powerfully built as well--hence the former Ms. Olympia Rachel McLish's still-beautiful body figuring nicely into this role. Not only did her muscles serve her well in getting her revenge on those who wronged her, but also for Ms. McLish's stunts as well, which, by the way, were all her own. Just as David Janssen did a lot of his own physical work in "The Fugitive," so did Rachel here also, giving each respective character authenticity in their chases. And if anyone, by the way, loved "The Fugitive"--in either classic television or latter-day movie remake form (and for that matter, "U.S. Marshals, a sequel)--then there's no reason for this film to be bagged at all. Why, there is even a Gerard figure present in this film as well, making things compellingly and interesting. A Fuge ripoff, you may say? Nah. Just another movie doubtlessly inspired by it on one level or another--not unlike many others in its genre which have sprung up after it. Open your minds, check it out and see a woman on the run fighting for her justice for a change--especially one as compelling as Rachel McLish is in this role.
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