why? why? oh my why?
1 May 1999
Allrighty then......like 99.99% of the troma movie line, I look forward to seeing the movies that I see in the previews.....I mean who can't........the only problem is that I found this movie......and 99.9% of the other troma movie lines.......and they are all the same......plain and simple......they are brutal low budget movies which to put it bluntly........ummmm my mother said if you can't say anything nice.......don't say anything. A bright side of all this is the dvd's are loaded with special features like no other.......it's a shame they could not do this for the movie........but the previews........the previews.....yes.......the previews are in no doubt the best previews I have ever seen........and this is why if there is ever a sequel to this atrocious movie.......I'll probably buy it........maybe it's the world we live in that makes me do it.......but did I mention the previews???? I guess that troma is good for that producer that cannot find any other company to hire him........and the previews......they are great.........if only they came out with a preview movie.......yes.....I do believe this would be grand.
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