Johnny Bravo (1997–2004)
Ok, then pretty good, and now... ouch.
8 August 2004
I started watching Johnny Bravo when it first came on Cartoon Network, and

even though it wasn't my favorite cartoon by far, I did enjoy it. Parts of it were pretty funny, while the rest was just a bit to cutesy for my taste.

That's when the series changed, and Kirk Tingblad started to take over. I really started to enjoy the series now: not only were new characters added (Carl and Pops, also Suzy's classmates), but more depth was given to Johnny's world and the other people in his lives. Also, the animation was sharper and much

brighter, giving it a much better appeal.

Unfortunately, Van Particle took back over soon, and the show has sped

downhill so fast it made my head spin. Not only has it lost its sharper look and many of the other characters are downplayed to almost being non-existent, but the writing was horrible, the jokes made no sense (I have a feeling only one or two people were laughing at the storyboard meetings), and the show is almost

too painful to watch now.

Tingblad, if you read this, please come back! You did Johnny better than

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