Baby Geniuses (1999)
CAUTION: Do not enter "danger zone"
4 July 2000
I'm lucky I only payed $2 to see this movie. Then again, I could have spent my $2 a bit more wisely, maybe by slipping one dollar coins into those candy machines in the mini-mall that give out rotton little bubblegum balls. It would have been a better use of my money.

This movie even makes Flipper (the modern version) appear to be the next Titanic.

Its target audience is the little ones, yet it still uses lines like "d**n" and "s**t".

A tagline for this movie was "A live-action Rugrats". However, Rugrats goes beyond the world of talking babies and their parents' lack of awareness, and manages to explore the imaginations of babies and toddlers, and have the scene suddenly turn into their fantasized adventures, which caught my interest. When did this ever happen in Baby Geniuses?

There is not a single moment in this movie where I hadn't wished to walk out of the theater, I wasn't ever even scarcely entertained.

This movie was also over-advertised where I live, since people were wise enough to avoid it.

My rating:... I won't even bother.

This is the single worst excuse for a movie I have ever seen.
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