Fools Rush In (1997)
Made me want to vomit...
17 April 2002
I hated this movie. In fact, I was all but seething with rage after watching it. Sure, it was SUPPOSED to be a romantic comedy; but it quickly degenerated into yet another insulting farce about how White Protestants are greedy, clownish, and totally devoid of any imagination or sexuality. Meanwhile, the Hispanic characters are unbearably noble brown Catholics who lead lives of self-righteous morality out in the desert and think all White Protestants are clueless Babbitts - which, of course, is exactly what Alex's parents are! After watching the movie, I sat myself down and tried to calm down. My ire had been aroused: I felt both contempt for the blockheaded WASP characters and resentment toward the arrogant Latinos.

I apologize for the bitter nature of this review, but FOOLS RUSH IN is a prime example of allegedly innocent race-baiting (particularly of people like me, since I am an upwardly mobile white middle-class dweller much like Alex is). I never truly understood the frustration and humiliation felt by African-Americans, Jews, and other groups who have been misrepresented or even mocked in movies throughout the years. Now I finally understand.
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