Good action flick
4 June 2000
I've read a lot of negative comments about this film, and all I can say is: lighten up!

This is a motion picture. Fiction. From beginning to end, it is just a story meant to entertain, which is how I rate movies. I go to escape my dull and boring life, and be entertained.

Ok...so there were some scenes that require the viewer to work a little harder to achieve a willful suspension of disbelief, but what the heck...we do that almost every time we sit down in a theatre.

Yes, I agree that Tom Cruise could have been replaced by Pierce Brosnan, and they could have called it a Bond film without changing another aspect of the film. And I would have been just as entertained. Hey...I like Bond!

And yes, this film deviates quite a bit from the '60's (!) television show, and I'm sorry for that. It could have been a much richer film. But in comparison, I was much more disappointed in The Phantom Menace than I was in this one. Overall, MI:2 keeps it's pace, and aside from a plot device (you'll know what I mean when you see the movie) that gets waaay overused, this gets a 7/10 from me. Go enjoy! Oh...one more thing...It's worth seeing on the big screen just for the sequence in which Ethan Hunt is introduced.
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