Review of Titan A.E.

Titan A.E. (2000)
Quite enjoyable
18 June 2000
I truly pity people who go to a movie and critique every small detail. Who catalog every continuity gaffe, or 'scientific impossibility'. They're missing out on some great entertainment. Such as Titan A.E.

I go to the video store, and I see many, many new releases in the drama, comedy or action/adventure sections that I would really like to see. Then I get to the Science Fiction section and I see the drivil that has oozed east from Hollyweird. This section is dominated by the 'Star' franchises. Star Trek, and Star Wars. Oh, sure, occasionally you get a gem like The Terminator, but for the most part, you get one decent Sci-Fi flick to every twenty from other genres. Which is interesting, when you consider that some of the earliest film making involved Science, or Speculative Fiction. A Trip to the Moon, in 1914, or Metropolis in 1927...

Anyway, I was very entertained for the duration of this film, and feel it was well worth my time and money. And the fact that I ran out of popcorn, and was more interested in the movie than in a free refill speaks highly of it, as well! My rating: 7.5/10
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