So visually powerful, but...
2 June 1999
This movie was great! Star Wars has awesome characters, and an awesome story. Now, in our modern day, it has awesome special effects, too. (I'm not saying that the original trilogy had BAD special effects, in fact they were great for their time, but... c'mon. C'MON. ... c'mon.) In fact the movie was so visually powerful that my eyes actually became glued to the screen. Unfortunately, my eyes were then confiscated by the theatre. Seriously, though, some of the original wonder and fantasy of Star Wars was lost in the powerful effects and visuals, but I'm sure that the young people of today, for whom The Phantom Menace is their first Star Wars, will think of the original trilogy as the one lacking in the goods. I just love the whole star wars universe. I can't get enough of reading about external characters and stories, especially the Jedi, and the Jedi council. But I rate movies by sheer entertainment. Therefore, the Matrix edged out Star Wars in pure entertainment, much as I thought it would. But the most entertaining movie of all time, and therefore THE greatest movie EVER, is still Fist of the North Star (english dubbed, 1986 animated version). The greatest movies all have their niches. Hamlet (Branagh version) was extremely powerful. Matrix was extremely entertaining. Star Wars was extremely technological and great. But in sheer entertainment, none can yet topple the sheer ecstasy and joy of watching Fist of the North Star. Please read my review of it, on the imdb. thank you. star wars rules.
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