OK for kids, boring for adults
16 April 2001
I'm old enough to remember seeing "Star Wars" back in 1977, and I loved the movie. Like most kids my age, I also watched and enjoyed the sequels, although "Return of the Jedi" was somewhat of a disappointment. I eagerly awaited 1999's "Phantom Menace", but it was a huge disappointment for me. Director/Writer George Lucas obviously intended this movie for children, and not for people my age. The film grossed over $1 billion worldwide, so Lucas probably feels he made the right decision. However, I predict the final two sequels won't do as well financially unless Lucas concentrates more on a better story and tones down the special effects, which are wildly overdone in "Phantom Menace". This movie has no soul or substance to it. It's just flash and gimmicks.
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