Elvis Meets Nixon (1997 TV Movie)
scary, accurate and touching recreation of a unique event
10 January 1999
A definite highlight of this excellent movie is the summary of Tony Curtis on Elvis's letter to Nixon, "a classic, so charming in its naive simplicity". This uncannily accurate recreation of historical events, which seems at times almost too surreal to be true, radiates the charm Curtis mentions, tempered by the pathos in the meeting of 2 men with shared fears about a world they apparently feared they could no longer influence or understand. E's journey to Washington seems familiar from the adventures of other "childman" heroes in "Crocodile Dundee", "Being There" and "Forrest Gump", but differs in not advocating a nostalgic retreat to simpler values in the face of social complexity. Instead, compared to Nixon, E comes across as an unwitting cultural revolutionary, who tragically couldn't understand his own impact .
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