A movie with heart, but little else
21 March 2000
Something About Mary showed signs, beyond the hilarious and ribald gags, of emotion and real storytelling in the filmmaking of the Farrelly's. It was a quantum leap beyond their previous efforts. Unfortunately, with this entry, they focused too much on those new aspects at the expense of their strengths. In fact, I do not believe this film was intended as a comedy. As such, Dumb and Dumber fans be forewarned. While I applaud this attempt at a heartfelt, personal film, the movie fails. The simple kids vs. establishment narrative is lame, the characters are stock and the inclusion of a handicapped brother seemed pandering and desperate to me. I did like the father-son relationship and Alec Baldwin's non-leading man turn as well as some of the well observed period details (Remember "clackers"? ---- I ,too, got "Goodbye Yellowbrickroad" as a Christmas gift). The soundtrack is also solid. Rent Dazed and Confused instead.
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