I'm glad someone else saw this besides me! :-)
27 December 2000
I swear, I thought I had dreamed this show up! I absolutely remember watching it as a kid, because I loved the old Batman show and I thought it was great that he and Burt Ward and Frank Gorshin and all these guys were playing their old characters again.

I saw the show where they roasted Batman and Robin, and the only part I really remember is that Robin had somehow managed to wreck the Batmobile, and they got called to go fight a crime, and Batman of course said, "To the Batmobile!" and Robin replied, "Why don't we just walk this time, Batman?"

And Batman stared at him incredulously and said, ".....WALK to a crime scene, Robin???" It was hilarious.

If anybody has any info on how to obtain a copy of these shows I'd be all over it! :-)

~The Mighty Wonder-Brat
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