Review of BlackMale

BlackMale (2000)
Expected Dross, Found A Rough Diamond
9 May 2004

"Blackmail" has driven me to break my IMDb duck. I am usually in broad agreement with the overall scores, if not the individual reviews of the members of this august body. But it has to said folks. An average score of 4.1 is just wrong, Wrong, WRONG.

I was not looking forward to watching this - the cover text was a deterrent and, as others have said, after 5 minutes my finger was hovering over the stop button.

Then I got it - it's all tongue in cheek - a challenge to see how many cliches can be stretched to the furthest (inc goriest & sickest) possible extent and crammed into 86 minutes, overlaid with thick dollop (sorry to be technical!) of black humour. It's the obvious thing to do with a low budget movie, and it works wonderfully. I squirmed at the gore, and laughed as each cliche approached and was played out with hilarious familiarity. It even has a fabled "boot shot". I hope the cast had an absolute riot making it.

If you're into very black comedy, take out your brain and watch this.

A 7 for setting its stall out and executing it (geddit!) in a far classier manner than it suggests on the tin.

And you'll never look at a briar pipe the same again. Guaranteed.
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