Fifteen and Pregnant (1998 TV Movie)
A good TV movie.
5 December 2000
This is just an all-right movie. Nothing great, but interesting enough to watch. The cast, plot, and writing was all good, but it kept getting off track.

If this movie is about a teen pregnancy, than it should stay focused on that topic. A couple of different situations were played around with. Evie and Cal's failed marriage was a subject that should have been left out. Rachel's wanting to live with her grandmother was another topic that had no effect on the main one. It was just an easy way to fade her out during the final months of Tina's pregnancy. Stay on the topic mentioned in the title, and we might be okay.

The cast was very well put together and they worked really good as a fictional family. Kirsten Dunst was excellent in the role of Tina Spangler. I think that she's the kind of person where you can get adjusted to her in any role. As always, she is why this movie is good. Park Overall, was very good as well. She added a certain mother-like atmosphere to the movie. Dave Andrews, who kind of stood back, played a believable parent also. Julia Whelan and Zach Sherman added their parts of sibling rivalry when it was necessary.

Another thing that I didn't like about this movie is that there were too many characters. The Spangler family, grandma, Melody, Jane, Laurie, and Ray, were all given parts to where they were important parts in the movie, but it was just overcrowded. The main characters like Tina, Evie, and Cal are okay, but everyone else sort of popped up whenever those three needed to talk to somebody. Tina's boyfriend, Ray, was obviously a very important part, but he could have had a bigger role with more lines.

The writing was enjoyable to watch, but it still had something wrong with it. Maybe it was the long scenes with no point to them. The scenes with Evie and Cal were especially unnecessary.

Overall, this was a well designed, low budget movie that had its faults but was still good. Since this movie is very real, it would be good to show to teenagers who think that they are ready for a child. I'm pretty sure that they might change their mind if they knew what comes along with having a baby. There's a couple of things that I would change about Fifteen and Pregnant, but I still liked it. It was a good TV movie.
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