Fifteen and Pregnant (1998 TV Movie)
A melodramatic, uninspiring waste.
11 May 2004
I am no fan of Kirsten Dunst. I think she's a terrible actress. And she manages to give what may well be her worst performance yet, as the selfish, immature, stupid Tina.

This movie was a project for my Morality&Ethics class, and after studying it, I have to say it is terrible. I'm not saying that Tina's struggle was fake, but it's people like her that perpetrate this myth of stupid teenagers not knowing or understanding the consequences. And yes, I know that a great many pregnant teenagers face problems like this. I sympathize with them. But Tina's life was a disaster. Ray (the boyfriend) was a self-centered idiot, and if any of my friends found themselves stuck with a guy like that, they'd ditch him. In a heartbeat.

The main problem with this movie is the characters. While they may be based on real people, they do not come across as real. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Everybody is selfish and concerned only with themselves. The only halfway likable character is her father, and the only truly likable character is the dog! What does that say?

I realize that this is a very harsh review, but it's my perception. This is an utter waste. The characters are ally caricatures of the stereotypical "broken" family. Save yourself the annoyance and see a decent pregnant teenager movie - like Sugar & Spice.
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