MUST comment on this one
18 January 2001
Alright ....for those of you who can actually admit that you are annoyingly retentive on a movie having a clear plot, resolution, and all those school book-type terms from a movie, steer away from this one. You will be tearing your hair out=)


For those of you who surf, who know what it *feels* like to ride a wave, you will appreciate this movie ( I guarantee) more than any other surf movie or documentary you've ever seen. Believe me, take it from a surfer. THESE 'ACTORS' ARE NOT ACTORS. THEY ARE WORLD-CLASS/COMPETITION SURFERS.

And though those retentive people will point out that they can't act, I am saying what they do in this film is the *only* way to act. Zalman King used his head here to have three world-class surfers, ( Matt George, Shane Patrick Dorian, and Matty Liu), one of which was #1 in the world for three straight years(Dorian). I have a friend who met him and told me how cool he was and that he's actually *very* self-conscious about the gap between his teeth. I think it is beautiful to watch him try to speak without showing it in the film, because this is a reflection of his true self; his true insecurity. He is also shy about being in the spotlight, even limiting televised interviews on surfing networks.

Anyway, the screen gladly welcomes him here, along with many other surfers, including many 'seniors' over 35, (one of which who invented the toe-in surfboard), who make a few cameos throughout the movie.

*** IF YOU'RE A CINEMATOGRAPHY LOVER (as I am) you will LOVE this movie. The waves, the colors, the sensuality. Yes, this movie is *very* sensual. This film was directed by the same guy who made 9 1/2 weeks, and Two Moon Junction. Because the main focus is on the surfing, the tiny love story in it keeps you wanting more. Somehow everything looks sensual (ie: flowing hair, pearls falling on a seashell in slow-mo, the smiling girl on the train, the music). Everything in this movie can be freeze-framed and it would never look boring. There is always something deep within each picture the characters seem to be thinking and transferring to the screen. SIMPLY PUT, this movie is a work of art.

*** IF YOU LIKE MOVIES TO ENLIGHTEN YOU, this movie will serve its purpose. It delves into the minds of these young men. It steers clear of trying to be something it's not. You end up wanting to be out there with them, riding those waves. You end up understanding, by the end of the film, why (at least Dorian) was always looking for that 'one big wave that starts all the other waves', to simply get that feeling. You'll end up wondering what would make you feel that way in your own life. It might be surfing.

And YES, this movie could've been changed to a documentary on surfers, but why? They would not have had as wide of an audience, and there are simply NOT enough movies about surfing out there. People need to know more about the greatest sport on Earth.

This movie is for everyone except for lazy, narrow-minded people, who can go back to criticizing movies that "should have been documentaries". (not to sound TOO harsh)=)

peace, -Sep
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