Underrated.Still a decent film
30 April 2002
Warning: Spoilers
The title "The Nine Gates".The number `Nine' also is part of Dante's The Divine Comedy and the journey through the Nine circles of hell.Corso(Johnny Depp) Itinerary is similar of the Italian Poet but with a sustancial difference.The knowledge progression of the sin helped Dante to free himself from it.Meanwhile Corso own Destiny Overwhelmed him:The contact with Evil.The figure of "The Girl" is like a false Virgilio.Our Protagonist shares the same age with the Florentine Poet and the idea of "The nine Gates" it is similar to bible passages like this:' In the Tranquility of my days I will walk to the Doors of the sun'.It reminds us the beginning and the ending of the movie.

I also find interesting that A BOOK is a key protagonist in this film,as the Ring was for Lord of the Ring; or the Forbidden Book who intrigued us in The NAME OF THE ROSE.Also The Ninth Gate in some scenes works as a parody.Especially the scene of the Satanist Sect,this is a Satire that tells us that The Evil is not behind this eccentric celebration, the evil it is a more complex than that.All of Polanski Protagonists(Catherine Deneuve in Repulsion; Jack Nicholson in Chinatown;Mia Farrow in Rosemary's Baby and Polanski himself in The Tenant) are anti-heroes or Unconscious propagator of Evil.Their stories progress negatively to the point of Resignation."They do without Knowing".They seem dominated by forces beyond their control.

Note: Spoilers!.Corso,is not about to let his chance at immortality slip away.Driving,hitching rides and walking,he makes his way to Balkan's ancient stone castle,where the publisher is preparing to deliver his soul to the devil.The two man battle for control of The Nine Gates,but neither one knows that the set of engravings contains one forgery,rendering any attempt to pass through The Ninth Gate doomed. Ultimately it is THE GIRL,revealed at last as an agent of the devil,who decides wether the secrets of The Nine Gates will be unlocked and to whom.'(extract from TNG site)
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