This is a DISASTER
26 July 2001
I love comedy but is far from being a comedy.This movie is a vehicle for Mena Suvari.I can accept the way she acted in American Pie,she was perfect in America Beauty but for her third time out is a fiasco She too old to play a virgin and it does not sound true since she is married.But the point is this using her in another sex comdie was the wrong choice.The father is a Adult Film director who direct girls having sex dress in a bathing suit.I don't think that the director of this trash ever saw a porn movie.There is 36 second of nudity in this movie,once in the limousine and another time in a dressing room.This is not a movie about sex but about an actress who made a good movie with her own nudity but in this one she is not even sexy.It is too bad. I was so enrage when I saw this trash I trow it in the garbage.I like Mena Suvari but since she is married I think we can forget about nudity from now on.Anybody who own American Beauty better keep it safe because I think this is her first and last time she will be naked on film.It is not only the lack of nudity but when you see two great actors like Bob Hoskins and Robert Loggia making fools of themselfs it's sad.I own a lot of movies from those two actors but none as bad as this one.Don't be fool by the sex thing there is none in this trash and the jokes are horrible and the acting is worse.This is my last movie I will own of Mena Suvari since she will never be as good,pretty or sexy and nude as she was in American Beauty.I feel bad for the peoples who paid $8.50 to see this TRASH.STAY AWAY
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