Don't bother.
5 November 2001

The other night, my girlfriend and I were in our local video-rental place, and she picked this one out. In retrospect, letting someone who doesn't find The Simpsons funny pick a "comedy" wasn't such a great idea.

From start to finish, Tequila Body Shots is boring, predictable, and decidedly NOT funny. I knew how it was going to end by halfway through, and the "acting" (if one can even call it that) is horrible. Joey Lawrence seems to think that acting permanently worried makes up for lack of actual talent. Also, just a little bit of research would have gone a long way. There are stupid errors all over the place, ie: they go to Mexico and drink tequila with a worm, which is just ridiculous, as any tequila drinker knows.

Seriously, don't waste your time on this one. In terms of movies, I'm generally pretty easy to please, and often not-very-good films entertain me, but this one was really, really bad. Get yourself a bottle of 'Cuervo Gold and drink yourself silly. Praying to The Porcelain God will prove more entertaining than this stupid film, that's for sure.
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