Review of Susan's Plan

Susan's Plan (1998)
A comedy that tries hard - perhaps too hard
10 July 2000
With some wonderful names attached to this film you would expect to see some great acting... no disappointment there. All the main cast were superb in their roles.

So why am I not enthusing over this film. There seemed to be something just slightly off key with the humour. It had all the trappings of being exceptional but, perhaps it went a little too far overboard and became a little confusing - in the 'why did the Director want to do that?' sense of the word.

The highs: Michael Biehn as the inept, would-be-killer, Bill, stuck in the closet with panicking Billy Zane's Insurance salesman and Bill's 'flatulent' best buddy.

Dan Ackroyd in a wonderful deadpan role as 'Bob'.

The Lows: The script - it was a little too flat and I am amazed the actors did such a great job given some of the lines they had to work with.
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