Review of Susan's Plan

Susan's Plan (1998)
Anyone can write a script these days
10 February 2001
I really wanted to love this movie. It had a great cast and… John Landis

! But… This is not a Landis movie, just some sub-par Tarantino-like

story, lazily executed, where annoying nightmares takes up the role of

the disjointed-time sequences you find in any Tarantino wanabee (And

there are already too many of 'em…). It seems that the cast and Landis

were so happy to work together that they didn't care about the end

product. Unfortunately, that's what we viewers have to endure. It's not

THAt bad and the acting is really energetic, but it all seems wasted.

Now, if Mr Joe Dante would just give us another of his zany, wonderful

movies, I'd be a happy P
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