Brave New World (1998 TV Movie)
What a load of C**p
20 February 2004
Having been a fan of the book, I really wanted to watch a movie of "brave new world", and when by chance I came across and I saw this video from a second-hand movie store I duely brought it. I was not expecting an classic as it had some second rate actors Ive never heard of, but I was at least expecting to see how a movie director protrates things and story plots onto screen. As soon as I played the movie and the first scene came on I knew this movie was not going great as it had all the wooden acting skills that you see on a TV movie, but to be honest that would not of bothered me as all I wanted to see is the movie that I read previously some year before. As soon as the movie was finished however I was extremely disappointed, not because the movie was awful (which it was), it was the fact that 95% of the scenes did not happen, in fact they changed the story so much that it hardly resembled the book at all and you would not of reconised it if the movie had another title, and the worse part of it all was they changed the ending, what was all this b**l s**t with lenina and bernard falling in love and having a child in the reservation, did the directors not read the book? I could go on forever with the number of changes they did in this movie (no mention of ford or hermholz, bernard starting of popular and sha**ng lenina), and what I also would say were pointless changes that lost the meaning of the book, but im not going to waste my time.

In summary if you have read the book and you want to watch this movie all I can say is don't put you hopes to high with this pile of c**p, because you will be disappointed, be be frank I would recommend that you don't even waste your time watching it, as its that bad and ruins the book. If however you have not read the book, DON'T WATCH THIS MOVIE, as it would put you off a great book, instead just go to your local Library and pick up a copy of the book instead and read that, its much better, it has more meaning to it and you will enjoy it.
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