More tasteless trash
10 July 2000
I never figured out what drew me to see the second after hating the first. I must have been expecting more, something that is actually "funny".

I was very wrong.

I am surprised that pretty well all the comments here are "Better than the first!", "Too hilarious!", "How can anyone not laugh?" etc.

I'm beginning to wonder how old the people making this junk as box office smash are. 10? 11? 12? 13? Possibly 14? I know I'm in the right age group. To top it off, I myself am only 15, so what am I missing here? Something.

At least I slightly (if even slightly) laughed a few times at the first, but for this one, I didn't even smile.

This is just a repeat of the original, but worse. It even has the intelligence (or thus lack of) to insult overweight people this time, and also has the same old women as sex items deal from the original.

Mike Myers is making an idiot of himself in this horse feces. Tell him to stick to Wayne's World and SNL.
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