Coming Soon (1999)
How can people like this movie?
6 October 2000
I'm quite frankly shocked at how many positive comments there are regarding this film. There are good films, and then there are bad films that people like anyway. This movie isn't either.

This is a dumb, careless movie movie populated with vapid characters. The three girls spend most of their time obsessing about themselves and being wrong about sex. The following scene happens about three times: "OMIGOD! I've NEVER had an orgasm! I just THOUGHT I did!" This film has been compared to American Pie, which is pretty funny, because AP actually treated female orgasm more intelligently.

The dialogue is laughable. "He's the bomb, I guess." (regarding a character so scudsy you can't help but wonder if the director has it in for prep school kids.) Most of the adults are gross caricatures. The only two characters who I found remotely tolerable were Mia Farrow (a hippie joke who nonetheless has some smart dialogue.) and what-sis -face from Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza place. In fact, I actually liked his character until he started singing. Oh well.

Stay away from this movie. There are smarter, better films about teenage girls having sex.
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