Mambo is Brazilian? Since when?
23 May 2002
I think I am the first Brazilian here to post a comment about this movie. I know I should be happy that they made a movie with "Brazilian" things in it, and I know I should laugh about others ignorance of Brazil instead of getting mad. But I just can't. I am just tired of this.

First of all, and the most important thing: Mambo is not Brazilian. Never was and never will be. Period. Samba doesn't even sound like Mambo and Mambo is danced in a complete different way. Mambo is beautiful but it's not Brazilian, sorry. And by the way I think real samba is played in this movie like just once or something. The whole time is like other Latin rhythms in Spanish or other Brazilian songs that have nothing to do with samba. When the "Brazilians" in the movie are cheering in the soccer game they are using Mexican sounds. Come on! Latin Americans are completely different from each other, have completely different music, customs, culture...why put them all in a basket like they are all the same same same? It's like saying French culture and German culture is the same. It's not! I know this is just a silly movie and I shouldn't even care but the message those silly movies around there give...Than people start thinking that all Latin rhythms are the same not giving a dawn that Cuban music and Mexican music are so different from each other.

I was happy tough when the girl said that in Brazil we speak Portuguese. Thank you for that. Portuguese and Spanish are very similar but the sound of those languages is completely different.

And the Ricky Martin song in the "samba dancing"? Oh, my God.... And that dancing was samba? Really? Wow.... How different from what I though samba was. Anyways...

I think my parents are right seating in the living room laughing a lot about the ignorance people have about my country and Latin culture. Because is funny that a guy decides to make a movie and doesn't make any research about the culture or country(any!!!), using stereotypes and making a total fool of himself with this festival of cultural stupidity. And that guy that played a "Brazilian"? Oh, lords....

Ok, ok.... people...please.... if you want to make a movie about or showing other cultures pleeeeeeeeeeease make some research about it, talk to people from those countries. Like those "Iranian" soldiers in American movies speaking Turkish. Hahahahaa Some people don't notice but some do and it is just ridiculous! hahaha I should really just laugh.
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