Eternity and A Day - the title, not meant to refer to the film's length.
1 February 1999
Many of us who viewed Eternity and a Day at January's 1999 Palm Springs International Film Fest, had our fun afterwards, cracking jokes at the length this film (132 minutes) in relationship to its title. There were scenes that seemed quite never ending, the wedding dance scene, to name just one. Nevertheless, take some of it away, and the symmetry of the film might well be broken. Then again, there is an awful lot of symbolism to digest all at one sitting. So go to see it on empty, and come away fully nourished and satisfied.

Greek director Angelopoulos has created a spellbinding tour de force. Eternity and a Day is a brilliant film in it's haunting poetic imagery.

I highly recommend this prized Greek film, an American Oscar submission.
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