Just Looking (1999)
29 August 2002
...and somehow a relief from the modern teen comedies such as American pie, Road trip, Not another teen movie,...

Maybe the acting is not on the level, like it was in The Bronx tale with Rober De Niro or so deep story as in My girl, but hey, at least in this movie kids are shown as they really are. At that age they would like to know everything about sex and here is it shown without a prejudice. I was quite surprised to see an American director to go that far, since Hollywood is so puritan, compared to European production. Well done.

With a little more ambition, this movie would surely be more memorable (maybe with a stronger story and beside Gretchen Mole, some other famous actor).

But despite that, the movie is quite enjoyable to watch it on the video and that's why a little above average grade of

6 out of 10
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