Sprightly and entertaining, but predictable.
2 April 2000
This romantic comedy is a likeable, though predictable teen flick. Actually, as high school fare goes, this is pretty wholesome. Of the three major teen staples, there is very little in the way of sex and drugs, but plenty of rock and roll. The story revolves around a girl and boy who are next door neighbors. Though they have known each other their whole lives, they travel in very different circles at school. She is very “in”, popular and active. He is very “out”, rebellious and counterculture. When each of them gets rejected by their love interests, they form an unlikely alliance to make the rejecters jealous. They pretend they are now dating, to the amazement of all their friends.

But be careful what you wish for, because you might get it. Surprising to no-one in the audience, they actually fall for one another. This complicates matters when the scam works and their respective love interests re-ignite and take up hot pursuit. Not the most original story line, but it sets up some funny skits especially with the characters’ attempts to adapt to the formerly rejected culture of the other. The writing has some good lines and the romance between Nicole (Melissa Joan Hart) and Chase (Adrian Grenier) works well. These two have good chemistry and seem to genuinely like each other.

The ending is upbeat, and overall this is a feel good movie. The acting, as is always the case in these movies, was not so much acting as teens portraying themselves. Melissa Joan Hart has been playing a teenager since 1992, and at 24 it is probably time to move on. As probably the most experienced actor in the film, she played the part very well and was one of the few players who actually had to do some acting outside the stereotype. Adrian Grenier, (also 24), held down the male lead well, although he was much more convincing once he was “in” than as a rebellious outsider.

All in all, it was a sprightly and entertaining entry into a crowded genre. I gave it a 7/10. Worth a rental if you are in the mood for something light.
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