I had to register in IMDb to let you know how bad this is!
29 July 2001
I have used IMDb countless times to query information on movies, stars and reviews. I have never commented on a movie before. I decided to register on IMDb and comment on this movie because I believe it is the worst movie I have ever seen!

The plot is very poor as is the acting - in all roles! Mr Roberts seems obsessed with getting his shoulder length hair looking 'just right', rather than lending his poor character any semblance of reality.

The beautiful actress that plays Eric's wife (Tatjana) would be better off concentrating on her supermodel career and giving acting a miss if this is the best she can do.

Dean Stockwell's portrayal of the arch villain is comical and better suited to a comedy movie.

The guy that plays the investigative journalist is another unbelievably hollow role - he looks like he would be better off selling newspapers than writing them!

Even editing errors jump out all over this movie, and you don't need to pause and rewind it to find them - they are that obvious (bodies moving from shot to shot and they're supposed to be dead or at least unconscious!)

This movie is almost worth renting for the laughs, only it is supposed to be a drama.

I can't work out whether this movie has been made as some kind of tax dodge and is meant to return a commercial loss, because I have never seen anything quite so bad.

Do yourself a favour and give it a wide berth on the video store shelf.

I gave it 1 out of 10 (and that was only because IMDb doesn't permit a score of '0' which would be more appropriate!).
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