Somber, but entertaining
20 August 2001
The character, vehicle and "monster" animation were superb, but I was kind of left flat by what should have been the "bigger-than-life" effects. It seemed as though so much attention was being paid to the characters, that the background animation was left to the staff artists. The ones who churn out four dozen episodes of Pokemon per day.

OK, maybe it's not that bad, but there is a noticeable difference...

The mood of the movie is sort of dark; somber, as I mentioned in the summary. That seems to be the tone of just about every Japanese-style animated movie I've seen. Asian in general, actually. See the end of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and you'll understand the mood I mean.

Not that it's a bad thing, mind you...but something a little lighter, please! With anime, it seems like when the hero gets into a situation that he can't possibly get out of...he (or she) doesn't!

As far as the story goes...hey! It entertained me. Bottom line. Maybe it's been done before, in many, varied forms...but never like this. One can't help but think that in a few short years, technology will have advanced to the point where Elvis, Jim or Buddy could release new hit single, or John Wayne might saunter into the nearest saloon and sit down to have a drink with Clayton Moore. Not that I ever remember the Lone Ranger partaking of the liquid spirit...

So, anyway, while I'm not sure that I would have appreciated paying 6 or 7 bucks to see this movie, it was worth the money we did pay (plus concessions) and really needs to be seen on the big screen.

On a 1 to 10...I'd have to say...7.

Edit: 1/8/2011

OK, so it's been more than just a few short years since I wrote this. But have you seen Tron: Legacy yet...? Hmm? It's happening...
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