Godzilla (1978–1980)
My introduction to Godzilla.
15 May 2004
I saw this show when I was a small kid. I remember that Godzooky was cute and funny. And I thought that Godzilla was a dragon. This was in the mid 80's or something, before I watched GODZILLA VS GIGAN in the early 90's. The bad thing about this show, was that it was a disappointment to fans! His roar is done by Ted Cassidy. It is rumbley, grating, and stupid! Godzooky was voiced by Don Messick. His laugh sounded like, Scooby-Doo! Nowadays, my brother is annoyed by the show, because of the little boy's redundacy. Hey, a lot of you fans who is reading this will know that he is annoying as Ichiro from GODZILLA'S REVENGE (1969), or Goro Ubuki from GODZILLA VS MEGALON (1973). Now I know that Godzooky files, and he is Godzilla's nephew. So, that means Godzooky's father is Rodan! And Rodan and Godzilla are brothers! Godzooky is a hybrid! Anyway, the show would look cool if they shown cartoonizations of King Ghidorah, Gigan, Megalon, Mothra, Rodan, Hedorah. That would be cool. It would be great that they re-released the show, only this time replace the stupid roars of Godzilla and Godzooky with Godzilla and Minya's roar from the movies. That would be great for Cartoon Network, or the Sci-Fi channel in honor of Godzilla's 50th Anniversary. Happy 50th Anniversary Godzilla! Let GODZILLA FINAL WARS (due out in Japanese theatres, December 11th) break a leg!
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