oh man
13 September 2004
The film means well, it's just an embarrassingly contrived failure that makes the real story look stupid and utterly pointless. First off, I'd like to say that anyone dumb enough to think that they can head directly into a hurricane on a small fishing boat and make it through unscathed, and just for some money, is entirely stupid and would probably succumb to the survival of the fittest theory sometime shortly thereafter if the storm did not kill them. People that attempt such things usually don't live too long. I guess some of my dislike for this film comes from my dislike of the real "heroes", I think they're stupid, with all due respect. But, I have to admit, maybe some of this dislike has been projected onto them unfairly and my opinion might be tarnished by this raw and pure definition of trite cinema. I rejoiced when they met their fate.

trite: 1. Lacking power to evoke interest through overuse or repetition; hackneyed. 2. Frayed or worn out by use.

And there you have it. There never was much of a story to begin with, some fools died on a boat, but no one really knows the details....so the filmmakers were forced to pull the rest out of their rears. Too bad they didn't look to see if it didn't stink first. Everything in this film from the characters, the minor conflicts, the dialogue...it's all been done about three billion time before in three billion other movies. And where it gets bad is where you can tell even the creators knew that they didn't have much of a story to go on and decided to throw some weak conflicts here and there to keep the audience from falling asleep. A shark on board, oh no! Man overboard, oh no! The conflict onboard that is resolved after one of the guys saves his "enemy", aww, how cute and totally original. The lovesick lovers left behind, awww, how sad. The moronicly stubborn captain and the men who mindlessly worship him, hmmm haven't seen that before. I got sick of hearing "Skip" being said after about the hundredth time...almost as if they were in the military and addressing a superior as "Sir". And the captain that can't bear to leave his boat, idiot. Another thing that's gay is how excitable the crew is. They catch some fish and it's as if they won the biggest lottery jackpot of all time. It's silly. The acting itself isn't too terrible, there just was never much to work with. The whole thing isn't helped by simply the gayest ending of all time. 'I have this dream…'

The only good thing about this film is the special effects of the storm itself, which are mildly amusing. Other than that, this is a MST 3000 candidate for sure. As a matter of fact, I watched this film with the sole intention of ripping it while watching it, which was amazingly easy to do. It almost does it to itself. What it all culminates into is a below average, over-budgeted summer blockbuster and nothing more. Watch this film to see how to make a movie suck. 4/10
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