Spartacus meets Quo Vadis!
1 July 2003
Although the Italian cinema of the 1960s was noted for taking light-hearted liberties with history, this one beats the lot. Spartacus, who died in 71 BC, somehow returns to thwart a Nero impersonator in 68 AD. Maybe this Spartacus was a namesake, or even another descendant. We've already seen Steve Reeves as the Son of Spartacus, so was Peter Lupus supposed to be playing his Great-Great-Grandson? This was one of four Italian epics churned out by Lupus (alias Rock Stevens) the year before moving on to Impossible Missions, and at times the movie looks like it was made in a big hurry. The action and performances are quite good, and Piccillo's music adds a touch of class, but it's the fascinating plot that grabs the attention. Who would have thought that while Robert Taylor was deposing Peter Ustinov in Rome, over in Thrace young Kirk Douglas was helping General Galba to be the next emperor? Comic book history, of course, but still a lot of fun.
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